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To: All Employees

Re: Education Travel/Familiarization Trips

This document outlines the qualifying criteria and expectations for travel advisors who participate in company-sponsored Educational Travel/Familiarization Trips

• An advisor must be in a positive revenue/expense position when requesting the fam. I.e. – the agent must be a producer to be considered for a fam.
• An advisor must be a member in good standing with the company at the time the trip is taken.
• If an advisor leaves the company within 3 months after completing the trip they are responsible for reimbursing the company for the training expense associated with the trip – paid time and trip cost paid by SBTB.

• There is a compelling business reason for the advisor to make this trip and for SBTB to make the investment to send the advisor on the trip.
• The Educational Travel/Familiarization Trip must be sponsored by a Virtuoso or Santa Barbara Travel preferred supplier.
• The trip is to a destination that we sell or is a destination that we lack knowledge and experience of.
• The trip cannot be to a destination that the advisor or SBTB already has a significant knowledge base in.
• The trip is not a vacation – it is work-related, educational, and has an expected positive influence on the advisor’s professional credentials and sales skills.
• The advisor is expected to do a thorough write-up of the trip and destinations visited, provide digital pictures and other material that can be used by SBTB for marketing and advisor training.
• The advisor is expected to complete all relevant training courses offered by the supplier prior to taking the trip.

FAM Trip Application


  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please describe the merits and goals that you expect to achieve from participating in this educational trip:
  • I agree to the terms and conditions of Santa Barbara Travel's educational travel policy (Full Name and Date)

Advisor Signature:


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Approving Manager: